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Lansing Makers Network is generally divided into “zones” with each zone being overseen by a steward who is responsible for the overall organization, safety and maintenance of that zone. Zone Stewards also help organize training classes and orientation sessions for the equipment housed in that zone. With the help of members who frequently use that zone, stewards may also develop rules and procedures. For more information about the equipment in any zone, don't hesitate to contact the zone steward for more information Most importantly, don't operate any equipment if you're not familiar with its operation, safety rules, and maintenance requirements. The Zone Stewards are here to help!
Woodshop / Zone Steward: Brian Adams
All of the woodworking machines and tools live in this area.
3D Printing /
Zone Steward:
3D printers live here.
Crafting /
Zone Steward:
Sewing machines, glass grinders, hot glue, all live in this zone.
Electronics / Zone Steward: :Mike Flaga
The electronics area contains loads of equipment, tools, and parts for electronics projects. Soldering irons, meters, scopes, power supplies, components, etc are all things you'll find in this area.
Laser & Vinyl /
Zone Steward:
The laser area houses the laser cutter and vinyl cutter.