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I would like to build a Cherry Pi III “ish” delta printer. I will use many of the parts and idea from this forum. And this thingiverse page.

  • 5/22/2015
      • Chose to print 4, so I'd have a spare, and because it lined up nicely on the plate (probably a wasted part)
    • Aluminum Extrusion, and Mini V-Wheel kits showed arrived from OpenBuild
    • Tested AstroBox / AstroPrint. My thoughts are to currently avoid this
      • The setup and web ui were very nice.
      • It doesn't support streaming video which is a deal breaker.
      • It can talk to your machine from the cloud, no obvious way to turn that off
      • Raspberry Pi camera is not supported
  • 5/21/2015 Some parts started to arrive, such as stepper motors and some screws and nuts.
  • 5/20/2015 3D printed parts for base.
  • 5/19/2015 Tried acetone vapor bath just fro the heck of it.

  • 5/18/2015 Disc's for spool printed.

  • 5/18/2015 Start of the Cherry Pi III project
    • Ordered Many Many parts online

Sourcing a few parts have been difficult

Tim recomended the Airtripper Bowden Extruder BSP Edition

Many parts were sourced from eBay, Amazon, or

I like this Lightweight end effector plate for Delta But it would need various modifications depending on what we attach to it.

Interesting ideas

the adjustment you need to make for size of parts (once you have your Z correct) is the delta rod length. You can use Rich's M666 command for that. The formula is (measured length/specified length) x delta rod length = new delta rod length

tips… fan motor not spinning If you rotate the magnets you will find a 'sweet spot' where they don't cause this issue. I had the same problem on the original Cherry Pi.

Andy: I use 0.3mm layer height and 33% in fill on virtually all my printed parts. The effector, which is the only ABS part, I print at 0.2mm layer height.

It appears a different size carriage will be needed for the v-slot extrusions,361141,page=17 This page here has someones build log where we can see how it's assembled