This is an old revision of the document!

October 26th, 2016

started meeting 7:15pm

  1. reviewed presentation by Chris Grundner TEDx-Wilmington “Modern Nonprofit Board Governance” about building Non Profit Boards.
    1. general feed back and discussion
    2. discussion about planning board goals.
  2. Approval of September minutes
    1. No objections
  3. Treasurers report
    1. secured the help of an accountant to better formalize our records
    2. reviewed monthly financial report
    3. request to add to report, itemized details of allocated funds
  4. Membership report
    1. 36 members
  5. President Report
    1. renewed focus submitting grant requests.
      1. Fast Cap - said yes please apply
      2. Saw Stop - said no
      3. Home Depot - applied and waiting
    2. We need to increase more classes to public
    3. suggested idea of adding up sell to class for 1 month membership, vs 1 month free.
    4. Joe Z proto a Promo kiosk
    5. Meet with Michelle of Capital Area Manufactures Council and discussed planning
    6. Meet with Tony of LEAP about RING grant application.
    7. Need to submit Conflict of Interest, for next meeting
    8. Marketing Team has been focused on the process, we should think about following this model for other functions.
      1. Looking for members to work on the budget
    9. Board Retreat Scheduling, need to determine a day and schedule
  6. “Lansing Proto” Memorandum of Understanding, being reviewed by Lansing Proto for approval.
    1. provide membership 4 person, for 6 months
    2. LMN will host 6 maker events - to be determined
    3. 2 events of “Ideation” - for proto members
    4. Partnering/Co-Host Maker-a-Thon, info to planned and to be TBD.
    5. MOU is approved
  7. “Create discount program for Class / Workshop instructors”
    1. discussion
    2. measure approved
  8. “Budget Approval for Board Development”
    1. $1000 budget line to provide for training, materials, and memberships
    2. measure approved
  9. “Budget Approval for Equipment Maintenance”
    1. Board President/Executive Director and individual approvals shall not exceed $100
    2. measure approved
  10. Expense Approval for Quickbooks Online
    1. measure approved
  11. “Expense Apporval for Santas Workshop Fundraiser”
    1. $500 for up front cost of the event
    2. measure approved
  12. adjourned