This is an old revision of the document!

Called to order: 7:07pm

In Attendance: B. Adams, C. Raymond, M. Flaga, E. Symanczik, N. Kwiatkowski, R. Schott

Absent: T. Schmidt, J. O'jibway

Chair: B. Adams

Secretary: R. Schott

:NOTE: Action items in bold.

B. Adams: Leaseway property potential lease agreement

Question raised on insurance for building provided by landlord and making the three doors to our area usable

  • B. Adams to follow up with landlord.

Need to determine power requirements for our space

  • E. Symanczik, B. Adams and N. Kwiatkowski to follow up with a few contacts for advice/information

B.Adams: Insurance for liability

Discussed B. Adams meeting with insurance agent for MakerWorks re: considerations we should be aware of.

N. Kwiatkowski: Discussion on internet/telecom services available to the Leaseway property

B. Adams: School Factory fiscal sponsorship misunderstanding re: financial records

  • E. Symanczik moved to end fiscal sponsorship through School Factory, passed unanimously
  • B. Adams to contact School Factory and cancel our sponsorship

C. Raymond to organize work session for 501c3 application

Adjourned at 9:05pm