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Here are some easy things to do.

The basic flow is to find something fun you want to do, do it, and send us an email mentioning what you've done. It should be easy!

The easiest ways to help

Create a wiki account

  • Click here to go to the registration page.
  • Choose a username, and enter your email address. Optionally, provide your real name. The wiki will email you a temporary password.
  • Use your temporary password and the username you chose to log into this wiki.
  • Immediately change your password to something memorable.
  • Congratulations! You can now edit this wiki!

A little more challenging

Some elbow grease required

If the task is really quick and easy, 'just do it'. However, if you think it will take some time or require help, then please: edit this page to assign yourself the task, and enter your mail address and a comment that you're starting work on it.