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Minutes for the January 21, 2014 meeting of the Lansing Makers Network Board of Directors

Present: B. Adams, J. Applegate, R. Schott, C. Raymond, N. Kwiatkowski, R. Canino-King
Absent: Jasmine O., M. Flaga

President: B. Adams
Secretary: R. Schott

Meeting was called to order at 7:12pm

B. Adams called for approval of the 12/17/2013 minutes

  • With no objections, the minutes were approved

C. Raymond gave a Treasurer's report

R. Schott had no items for a Secretary's report

B. Adams had no items for a President's report

The board discussed proposal 023 - Senior Citizen Discount

  • No amendments were proposed
  • R. King moved to vote, N. Kwiatkowski seconded
  • The motion was carried unanimously

The board discussed the state of various in-progress initiatives.

With no further business, B. Adams moved to adjourn the meeting

  • With no objections, the meeting was adjourned at 8:04pm