This is an old revision of the document!

Called to order at 7:08pm

Present: C. Raymond, B. Adams, R. Schott, E. Symanzik, T. Schmidt (remote), J. Ojibway, N. Kwiatkowski

Absent: M. Flaga

Chair: B. Adams

Secretary: R. Schott

B. Adams: Modification and approval of the agenda

  • Passed unanimously

B. Adams: Approval of 02/19/2013 minutes

  • Passed unanimously

B. Adams: Leaseway updates

B. Adams: Individual task updates

  • R. Schott: Solicitation of feedback for materials
  • E. Symanzik: Approaching woodworkers guild for suggestions
  • B. Adams: Approaching Carter lumber
  • B. Adams: Strategies for approaching other organizations
  • C. Raymond: Team for drafting membership documents

C. Raymond: 501c3 update and Treasurer's report

E. Symanzik: Proposal 008 - Setting of membership dues

  • Motion, C. Raymond, Seconded by N. Kwiatkowski: Amend proposal to set tiered membership levels at $80(full access) and $50(limited access) a month
    • Carried with 4 votes
  • Motion, C. Raymond, Seconded by N. Kwiatkowski: Amend proposal to set quarterly discount at 10% and yearly discount at 20%
    • Carried Unanimously
  • Adopt proposal as amended
    • Carried with 5 votes

B. Adams: Proposal 009 - Harassment Policy

  • Amended to remove language regarding provision of escorts
    • Carried with 5 votes

B. Adams: Proposal 011 - Adoption of a Privacy Policy

  • Motion E. Symanzik, Seconded by N. Kwiatkowski: Adopt proposal as specified
    • Carried unanimously

E. Syamnzik: Proposal 007 - Remove membership requirements for directors

  • Motion B. Adams, seconded by C. Raymond: Adopt proposal as specified
    • Motion did not pass

B. Adams: Proposal 010 - Approve membership application and designate founding member status

  • Motion: B. Adams, Seconded by C. Raymond - Adopt proposal as specified with a starting date of April 1st.
    • Passed with 4 votes

Adjourned at 8:36pm