This is an old revision of the document!

Called to order at 7:02pm

Present: C. Raymond, B. Adams, E. Symanzik, M. Flaga, T. Schmidt(remote via Skype), J. O'jibway

Absent: N. Kwiatkowski

Chair: B. Adams

Secretary: R.Schott

:NOTE: Action items are in bold

B. Adams: Leaseway update

C. Raymond: 501c(3) updates

  • Discussed letters of support from various organizations

B. Adams: Proposal 006 Approving C. Raymond to submit 501c(3) application

  • Call for discussion - no discussion
  • Passed Unanimously

B. Adams: Planning/Discussion about necessary work before space can open

  • R. Schott to create wiki page and email for soliciting feedback on materials needed for buildout
  • E. Symanzik to approach woodworkers/machinist guilds about helping us design the spaces
  • B. Adams to contact landlord about letting us in to get measurements of the space
  • B. Adams to approach Carter Lumber about potential donation

B. Adams: Discussion about initial membership documents

  • C. Raymond to head team for drafting membership documents

B. Adams: Discussion of membership fee

  • B.Adams moved to set initial membership fee at $100/month, seconded by E. Symanzik
  • Passed with 4 votes

E. Symanzik: Sparkfun National Tour

  • B. Adams moved to have E. Symanzik coordinate having spark fun come to Lansing, with LMN as the sponsor/organizer, seconded by E. Symanzik
  • Passed Unanimously

Adjourned at 8:37pm