Rostock 3D Printer


Status Needs calibration / documentation
Zone 3D Printing
Owner LMN
Tool Type 3D Printer
Member Category Coder/Crafter
User Manual equipment
Manufacturer Randy Schott
Model Richrap rostock
SOPs Link
Checkout Required
barcodeDon't have barcode reader? Click here.


Rostock printer built and donated by Randy Schott.

It currently needs some attention to get it printing well.

Here are facts we know about the current state of this printer

Stuff this printer needs:

Stuff that should be upgraded at some point

Safety Rules

FIXME (All 3D printers need safety rules)

Contacts for training

FIXME (Should be the same for most 3d printers, suggested Joe, Jerry, Carl)

Safety Training

In Addition to the show safety rules the following safety rules should be followed: FIXME

Maintenance Log