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 The Lansing Makers Network exists to bring diverse people, experiences,​ and ideas together in a safe environment;​ to meld technology, art, and culture in new and exciting ways; to share skills, tools, and inspiration;​ and to marvel at what we make together. The Lansing Makers Network exists to bring diverse people, experiences,​ and ideas together in a safe environment;​ to meld technology, art, and culture in new and exciting ways; to share skills, tools, and inspiration;​ and to marvel at what we make together.
-We've recently ​[[meetings:20120508_minutes|elected]] a [[board_of_directors|board of directors]], and you may want to take a look at our [[todo|to do list]] to get an idea of what we'​re ​up to or volunteer ​on our list of [[Easy ways to help|ways to help]].+Check out our [[http://​www.lansingmakersnetwork.org|main website]], or the [[http://​groups.google.com/​forum/#​!forum/​lansing-makers-network|mailing ​list]] ​for more information. 
 +=====Member Meetings===== 
 +Member meetings are held twice a month. They'​re a chance ​to get the know our members, talk about how things are going for the space, and show off what we'​re ​all working on.  Member meetings are open to the public, so stop by and show off what you've been making! 
 +Current schedule: 
 +1st Monday @ 7:00pm & 3rd Tuesday @ 7:00pm 
 +=====Regular Open Hours: Wed 6-8pm, Sat 1-6pm===== 
 +Come and check out the space! We are generally open during these hours, but please check the open/closed ticker on the top left corner of the [[http://​www.lansingmakersnetwork.org|LMN home page]] under the logo, or this page for updates before heading out. 
 +Check out the [[Open Hours]] page for information ​on our weekly schedule ​of activities! 
 +=====Volunteer Opportunities===== 
 +Are you interested in helping out? Would you like to throw your time and expertise behind an ongoing project? Please check out our [[Working Groups]] for information about how to contribute. Or contact [[mailto:​volunteer@lansingmakersnetwork.org?​Subject=LMN Volunteer|volunteer@lansingmakersnetwork.org]].
-  * [[meetings:​|Upcoming/​Past Meetings]]