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 The Lansing Makers Network exists to bring diverse people, experiences,​ and ideas together in a safe environment;​ to meld technology, art, and culture in new and exciting ways; to share skills, tools, and inspiration;​ and to marvel at what we make together. The Lansing Makers Network exists to bring diverse people, experiences,​ and ideas together in a safe environment;​ to meld technology, art, and culture in new and exciting ways; to share skills, tools, and inspiration;​ and to marvel at what we make together.
-We've recently ​[[meetings:20120508_minutes|elected]] [[board_of_directors|board of directors]], and you may want to take a look at our [[todo|to do list]] to get an idea of what we're up to.+Check out our [[http://​www.lansingmakersnetwork.org|main website]], or the [[http://​groups.google.com/​forum/#​!forum/​lansing-makers-network|mailing list]] for more information. 
 +=====Member Meetings===== 
 +Member meetings are held twice a month. They'​re a chance to get the know our members, talk about how things are going for the space, and show off what we're all working on.  Member meetings are open to the public, so stop by and show off what you've been making! 
 +Current schedule: 
 +1st Monday @ 7:00pm & 3rd Tuesday @ 7:00pm 
 +=====Regular Open Hours: Wed 6-8pm, Sat 1-6pm===== 
 +Come and check out the space! We are generally open during these hours, but please check the open/closed ticker on the top left corner of the [[http://​www.lansingmakersnetwork.org|LMN home page]] under the logo, or this page for updates before heading out. 
 +Check out the [[Open Hours]] page for information on our weekly schedule of activities! 
 +=====Volunteer Opportunities===== 
 +Are you interested in helping out? Would you like to throw your time and expertise behind ​an ongoing project? Please check out our [[Working Groups]] for information about how to contribute. Or contact [[mailto:​volunteer@lansingmakersnetwork.org?​Subject=LMN Volunteer|volunteer@lansingmakersnetwork.org]].
-  * [[meetings:​|Upcoming/​Past Meetings]]