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press [2017/04/05 00:38] (current)
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 +Press and Articles about Lansing Makers Network, our projects or our people
 +  * 2012-07-28 [[http://​blog.makezine.com/​2012/​07/​28/​mega-operation-man/​|MAKE | Mega-Operation Man]]
 +  * 2012-07-28 [[http://​blog.makezine.com/​2012/​07/​28/​3d-printer-census-detroit-edition/​|MAKE | 3D Printer Census, Detroit Edition]]
 +  * 2012-08-04 [[http://​hackaday.com/​2012/​08/​04/​large-version-of-operation-isnt-much-easier-than-the-original/​|Large version of Operation isn’t much easier than the original - Hack a Day]]