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meetings:20130507_minutes [2013/06/19 14:44]
meetings:20130507_minutes [2017/04/05 00:38]
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-Called to order at 7:08pm 
-Present: B. Adams, C. Raymond, Jasmine O., M. Flaga, N. Kwiatkowski 
-Absent: T. Schmidt 
-Chair: B. Adams 
-Secretary: R.Schott 
-B. Adams: Leaseway Update re: Lansing Township meeting 
-Jasmine O.: Fundraising event planning 
-B. Adams: Hanover Insurance, questions answered 
-  * Board Proposal 013:  Approve purchase of D&O insurance through Hanover 
-  * Proposed by B.Adams, seconded by N. Kwiatkowski 
-  * //Passed unanimously//​ 
-B. Adams: 501c3 status update, application needs to undergo technical review. 
-B. Adams: Beginning electronics classes 
-  * B. Adams, N. Kwiatkowski,​ Jasmine O. to meet separately for organizing, planning, and promoting. 
-B. Adams: Michigan Inventors Coalition summit on September 4th 
-  * B. Adams moved for Lansing Makers Network to join the Michigan Inventors Coalition, Seconded by C. Raymond 
-  * //Passed unanimously//​ 
-B. Adams: Makerfaire Detroit and Ann Arbor 
-  * M. Flaga to send emails inviting mailing list members to participate 
-Adjourned at 8:13pm 