Meeting called to order: 6:22pm
Carl Raymond delivered a treasurer's report
Heating Bill $305
Membership numbers 31, with 4 late payers, 3 of which are accounted for.
Discussion was had regarding adding a membership coordinator position to interface with members including collecting of dues
Presidents report
Woodshop Electrical & Buildout
Joe Z.: Woodshop needs more electrical around workspace
Joe Z.: Will form workgroup and present proposal to board.
Carl L.: Interested in joining workgroup
Brian A.: No objections, make it happen.
Discussion was had around working groups
Discussion of upcoming E.L. Steam Day
Brian A.: Still talking with E.L. Robotics about using the space for their robotics club.
Brian A.: Saturday March 12th they are holding a fundraiser event.
Brian A.: Need to figure out what LMN will be presenting at the event.
Brian A.: Should probably be part of a larger conversation about LMN's involvment at outside events
Discussion of changes/additions to membership levels
Rose C-K.: Bringing up the suggestion of adding a punch card style membership where members would pay an amount for a certain number of visits to LMN.
Brian A.: Concerned about needing SOPs and Member Orientations solidified before opening membership to casual memberships
Joe Z.: Suggests that casual members perhaps may not have the benefit of member storage or parking passes.
Brian A.: In support of the idea if we can make a concerted effort to get SOPs and training in place more broadly.
Discussion about open hours
Brian A.: How do we make open hours better?
Brian A.: Should we do a fix-it-Friday type event similar to MakerWorks
Mike F.: Concerned about potentital liability for items incorrectly fixed.
Brian A.: Would need to direct making repairs to not repair certain items (heaters, microwaves, etc)
Brian A.: Generally need to increase the amount and variety of events happening at the space and potentially connect them as open hours.
Discussion was had regarding new meeting day/time.
For the time being, meetings will be 3rd Sundays of each month at 1:00pm.
Work session will remain 1st Friday's at 6:00pm.
Meeting adjourned without objection.