Dec 16, 2014 meeting of the Lansing Makers Network Board of Directors
Meeting was called to order at 7:10pm

Present: B. Adams, J. Applegate, R. Koning(remote), C. Raymond, N. Kwiatkowski, M. Flaga, Jasmine O.
Absent: none

Chair: B. Adams
Secretary: R. Schott

B.Adams called for approval of the previous meeting's minutes

C. Raymond gave a Finance Committee report

N. Kwiatkowski and J. Applegate gave a Space Committee report

B. Adams gave a President's report

B. Adams: Michigan Creative for sponsorship

B. Adams: Board self-evaluation survey

C. Blohm: State of the Space

J. Applegate moved to adjourn the meeting. With no further business, the meeting was concluded at 8:43pm