Called to order at 7:15 pm

Present: B. Adams, C. Raymond, M. Flaga, Jasmine O., N. Kwiatkowski (remote)

Absent: T. Schmidt

Chair: B. Adams

Secretary: R.Schott

Treasurer's Report and Expense Reimbursement Procedures (Carl Raymond)
Update about building access and projects in exchange for tenancy (N. Kwiatkowski)
Update on Insurance (B. Adams)
Unscheduled discussion on access hours and weekly schedules
Tool Loaning/Leasing Policies
Classes/Safety/Testing (B. Adams)
Clubs and Local Organizations (B. Adams)
Promotional Event at the Avenue on June 26th (Jasmine O.)
Ann Arbor Mini Maker Faire/Maker Faire Detroit(M. Flaga)

Adjourned at 8:47pm