Called to order: 7:07pm

In Attendance: B. Adams, C. Raymond, M. Flaga, E. Symanczik, N. Kwiatkowski, R. Schott

Absent: T. Schmidt, Jasmine O.

Chair: B. Adams

Secretary: R. Schott

:NOTE: Action items in bold.

B. Adams: Leaseway property potential lease agreement

Question raised on insurance for building provided by landlord and making the three doors to our area usable

Need to determine power requirements for our space

B.Adams: Insurance for liability

Discussed B. Adams meeting with insurance agent for MakerWorks re: considerations we should be aware of.

N. Kwiatkowski: Discussion on internet/telecom services available to the Leaseway property

B. Adams: School Factory fiscal sponsorship misunderstanding re: financial records

C. Raymond to organize work session for 501c3 application

Adjourned at 9:05pm