Meeting called to order: 7:03
Directors in attendance: B. Adams, C. Raymond, E. Symanzik, T. Schmidt (via Skype), N. Kwiatkowski
Chair: B. Adams
Secretary: B. Adams
Action items in bold.
C. Raymond: Do we have things to fill the space?
C. Raymond: Unless we have something school kid related, don't use the Friday times.
Action::C. Raymond: Send email to list asking for projects.
E. Symanzik: Concerns over time required to abate.
C. Raymond: Windows are a plus.
General: Industrial location is a good thing. Fewer roadblocks to activities.
General: Talk to the legal contacts we've made and see if we need more help.
Action::B. Adams: Get actual square footage.
Action::C. Raymond: Internet/Phone/Security estimates/information
Action::M. Flaga: Begin investigating insurance. (Unavailable to start until after Feb. 1st. B. Adams will start process and hand off).
Action::B. Adams/C. Raymond: Will begin negotiating lease.
C. Raymond: Will provide 2012 financial report at next meeting.
Action::B. Adams: Will contact i3detroit to get a copy of their IRS1023
Adjourned: 8:01