- Open 7:05pm - Approval Agenda - approved as is - approval of minutes - tabled - Presidents report - Vote was successful to convert to Directorship. - Revised articles have been updated with the State. - Financial reports - Last months expenses were reported as low, as they were not posted in the ledger promptly. - Laser month repairs were an un-expected expense - We are under-revenue, We are under expense, so we are fine. - We are placing new classes in the schedule. - On Going Work and updates - Bylaws, we have sent draft of Bylaws to legal. - Site Search - The Wing got their brown field approvoed - We need to submit the LEAP site search. - Advisor Board - No update, looking forward to some progress - Area Mangers - Meeting next Tuesday. - Cliff provided an update. - Goal is for Area managers is to get Memberships involved in the areas. - discussion about what different areas should be scoping. - Open Hours Expansion - working with persons to plan out what the scope of it is - planning for volunteer on-boarding - looking forward to a proposal, example. - goal is to have 3 persons on shift during open hours, to provide check out, help desk and 3rd for support. - still require machine specific checkouts. - discussion about volunteer requirements, each of the SOP's and Tours, etc... - discussion about bootstrapping difficulties. - Discussion about discretionary/hardship membership dues. - Pro's and Con's and Liability and Benefits and limits. - discussion about Sliding Scale vs scholarship memberships - need a shield, criteria, review board, etc... - Other business - Silver bells - working with CADL, Mega's and Make-N-Take. - Makes Giving, needs to be planned. - need to ask membership to drive it. - tentative Nov 18th - adjourned - 8:20pm