- Open 7:12pm - Accept agenda - President Updates - Finances not ready, Nothing out of ordinary. - Pruese Printer arrived and mostly assembled. - Helical Head for Planner has been ordered. and is about 5 week backordered. - Welder has been selected and not yet ordered. - Artemis - discussion about possible profits and LMN's equipment. - Board Work Sessions - about day to day operations task, that could be deferred to other member's to be done during work sessions. - tyler will be handeling recievables and payables about finance. - meetings with marketing (margo) - Class Scheduling. - Old Member Reviews - Road Show Go Box with swag. - Future Date Night projects. - abandon part area. - Way to share photos. - equipment disposal. - Fund Raising - identifying new board members - space search. - a possible new space has requested a draft letter of intent with possible. - each Board member needs to champion one or more of the idea tags. - Review of proposed by-laws. - broad questions and discussions - general goal of new by-laws, is to create sustainable and growing enviroment. - day to day operations are no longer responsibility of board. - Meeting of Michigan Makerspaces in Flint. - brief review - plan on setting up member vote for proposed Bylaws.