- Meeting opened at 7:10pm - 7 attendees - Approved minutes from last month - Financial Reports - Year is Positive - Last month is negative, - mostly the laser replacement parts and upgrade, within budget - Need a new work flow for budgetting processes - should get some qoutes for using a CPA. - Presidents report - trying a new forum http://talk.lansingmakersnetwork.org - it will send posts to members email list. - the default is digest and is changeable. - using Dallas's space as a model for this forum - Everyone who was a member at one time, since Jan 2016, has gotten an invite. - We need members to try using it, to iron out any issues. - "Teens Respecting and Understanding Each Other" support group wants to do a group class together - Neighboring Charter School wants to do a New Class, potentially a Laser workshop. - Insight's is doing Engineering this year, and may be wanting to repeat at LMN. - Dorothy - candidate for Marketing Director - Brief introduction - background extensive prior experiences in marketing and public relations. - Snow bird Jan-Mar, but will be remotely available - possibility help with Grant Writing. - events - open house October 8th Sunday 12 to 4pm - Closing Event of Maker Week. - need to do our own flyers and other promotions. - Holt expo, we were not able to find volunteers. - How To Halloween - Jerry had handouts. - LMN has a complimentary Vampire Sponsor Level - Artemis is planned to attend - Need Space requirements. - 1st year to be sponsorship by Celebration.. - Oct Sat 28 and Sun 29 11am to 5pm - Last year we had a 40 x 40 space and Artemis was half. - We need to buy more Blinky Kits. - Want to Plan a Tomb Stone Work shop leading into Event. - Need to send invite other members have activities. - Batterup Bistro / Old 621 Night Club, on East Michigan Ave. - Breakfast throu Lunch - Open to being available as a resource. - potential do something with Maker Date Night. - Opening next week. - Tandy Leather - an unknown representative for Tandy Leather stopped by and wanted to work with LMN. - Looking at creating a class - Classes: - Current Next 30days: - Black Smith - 2 3 hours - 2 15 hours - Soldering (by Brian) - Taste of Wooding, Long Grain Cutting - Planning 30 beyond 30 days: - Leather working - Discussion about having long term classes. - adjourned - 8:30pm