Meeting called to order at 7:02 Present: Joe Zimmerman (Director), Mike Flaga (Director), Carl Raymond (Treasurer), Brian Adams (President), Cliff Bohm (Director), Rose Canino-Koning (Director), Jody Applegate (Director), Tim Schmidt (Member), Penney Hughes via Skype (Secretary); No one absent Penney Hughes acted as secretary for this meeting. ====== Reports ====== ===== Treasurer's Report ===== [C. Raymond] getting an addition bill for trash $91/mo time to renew liability insurance. bill is the same $100~/mo In good financial footing with a positive bank balance. ==== President's Report ==== [B. Adams] Capital area manufacturing council has extending a one year membership to LMN. Is anyone interested in being an ambassador to their organization? Two embroidery machines have been offered to us a one head and a two head. Adams has been working with the NPR radio program STATESIDE and we should hear a report soon === Space Committee Report === [J. Applegate] Will be meeting with Al on Tuesday or Wednesday to talk timeline for the move and solidify a lot of facts on the space. The outstanding roof damage still needs to be fixed but rest of the space development is buzzing along. A commercial contractor is asking $14k to install the new wall. We may need to find another contractor. Looking into whether current permits cover this work. ==== Action Item: ==== Look into situation of permit for interior wall. ==== === New Business === ==== ===== Board Procedure ===== [B. Adams] Call for agenda items to be sent out one week ahead of meeting. If necessary, attach submitted items from board members to agenda. Once the agenda finalized & sent out should be sent to members list. The board list is for sensitive issues and items such as the budget can go to the board list ====== Approve Previous Minutes ====== Last three months minutes approved ====== Parking Passes ====== [M. Flaga] The term Parking Passes here is used to refer to a permit for a work in process for a specific period of time. Benefits and cons were discussed. Benefits: could be an accounting of the equipment in the space; could help organize for move; identify personal projects, personal tools vs. LMN tools/projects Cons: dilemma of storage We could implement the previous zone warden proposal Motion for committee to look at this issue, will work towards developing a plan the board work session === Action Item === Form committee to look at this issue and consider further during board work session. ==== Maker Faire ==== [M. Flaga] LMN members have entered items in the Detroit Maker Faire (July 25-26) Flaga will be there Friday 7/24. There may be a covered trailer available for transporting large items. Speak with Flaga about coordinating the LMN space. Henry Ford is sending us Maker Faire 2015 buttons ===== Conflict of Interest Disclosures ===== [B. Adams] Newest directors J. Zimmerman, C. Bohm and officer P. Hughes need to sign. table until next meeting === Action Item === J. Zimmerman, C. Bohm and officer P. Hughes sign disclosures. ==== Forming Infrastructure Committee ==== [J. Zimmerman and M. Flaga] Propose committee or workgroup to work out networking and infrastructure issues. For example, there are ongoing problems with wifi and solutions are ad hoc and sometimes in conflict. Other issues need to be addressed such as who to let know if extension cords come between rooms. Adams shared an idea document--outlining how LMN expect people to work together to solve problems. The proposed workgroups could use the document as a guideline. The document could outline policy for procurements (as in the wifi example, new equipment could be helpful.) This idea is outside of the current zone warden concept. Canino-Koning- Wiki needs place where workgroups/committees are listed. Canino-Koning motioned to add to Wiki information on who are the zone wardens/workgroups/committees and how to contact them & the board final say. Raymond seconded it. Unanimous in favor. Interested members could subscribe to committee email if they would like to follow the progress without having to be on the committee. These emails should have a standardized subject line. === Action item === Adams-add workgroup/committee/zone warden listing on Wiki and share that location Adams- set up email subscription for committee/workgroup ==== Tool Lockout Procedures ==== [J. Zimmerman] Suggests we consider a more formal way to announce broken tools. He recommends a $150 kit but for now suggests we make tags on out of order equipment and post this on the on the Wiki === Action Item === Joe will add procedure to wiki and announce location to membership ==== Board Meeting Times ==== [J. Zimmerman] Request to consider alternate days to meet. We agreed to move meetings to 3rd Mondays same time. Board work sessions are also moved to 1st Mondays same time === Action item === Hughes edit calendar and announce on member list ==== Fire Safety Procedures ==== [J. Zimmerman] Implement a safety point person, someone knowledgeable to be contacted with safety questions. Adams volunteered to fill this position temporarily. Canino-Koning suggests may be an officer position on the board. Canino-Koning wants to design safety posters. Adams requested the posters be accessible as .pdfs. Need to table ===== Lansing Mini Maker Faire ===== [C. Bohm] Bohm spoke with Make on Friday and entered our applicaton. We are looking at a November date but Make suggests October might be better. Bohm suggests that we do not charge for tickets and we would need a budget of $2500-$3000 but would be able to make this money back through memberships, donations and possibly sponsors. The amount we pay Make is based on the signups. We are allowed to collect emails for the event only but may be another way to add to our mailing list. Make has a prohibition against going to national retail chains for sponsorships. Need board approval to procede with contract, budget approval and for use of space. Initial cost only $70. No prohibitions onselling soda but unclear whether we need to charge sales tax. Possibly talk to food truck if we have numbers. Need to look into vendor permits. Let's look at an October 10th date, one week after How To Halloween. We could promote to that crowd. === Action Item === Discuss further and possibly approve over email the budget and agreement ==== Contributing Memberships ==== [C. Bohm] Discussed idea for new catagorey of membership. A member that supports LMN financially but is not necessarily interested in using the tools. Benefits could be newsletter, email list, discount on classes and free entry to maker faire. === Action Item === Bohm will present document with details ==== Volunteer Coordinator ==== [R. Canino-Koning] We need a better policy on how to respond to volunteers. At this time there are issues with interested volunteers that are lost due to no response. Workgroups could use volunteers as resource/assistant when project focused on LMN projects wiki workgroup page would be useful for volunteer coordinator to plug people into Canino-Koning volunteered to fill this position. Board approved === Action Item === Adams- update Wiki with new position ==== Additional Items Outside Agenda ==== *Adams is interested in coordinating a woodshop safety training course; needs workgroups to suggested important information to be included on tools. *Another class suggested: C&C workshop *Canino-Koning put up paper w sharpie as an idea board *Flaga not going to go to model railroad show this year. Adjourn at 8:47