Dec 16, 2014 meeting of the Lansing Makers Network Board of Directors \\ Meeting was called to order at 7:10pm Present: B. Adams, J. Applegate, R. Koning(remote), C. Raymond, N. Kwiatkowski, M. Flaga, Jasmine O. \\ Absent: none Chair: B. Adams \\ Secretary: R. Schott B.Adams called for approval of the previous meeting's minutes * Minutes were approved with no objections C. Raymond gave a Finance Committee report N. Kwiatkowski and J. Applegate gave a Space Committee report B. Adams gave a President's report B. Adams: Michigan Creative for sponsorship B. Adams: Board self-evaluation survey C. Blohm: State of the Space * B. Adams volunteered to investigate a potential lighting conversion program for the new space. * B. Adams and J. Applegate will work with landlord to get more information on build schedule. J. Applegate moved to adjourn the meeting. With no further business, the meeting was concluded at 8:43pm