Minutes for the August 19, 2014 meeting of the Lansing Makers Network Board of Directors \\ The meeting was called to order at 7:20pm Board members present: B. Adams, M. Flaga, C. Raymond, J. Applegate \\ Board member absent: Jasmine O., R. Canino-King, N. Kwiatkowski \\ Chair: B. Adams \\ Secretary: R. Schott \\ C. Raymond gave a Treasurer's report. \\ R. Schott had no items for the Secretary's report. \\ B. Adams gave a President's Report. \\ The Board discussed joining the Arts Council of Greater Lansing * B. Adams moved to vote on joining the council; J. Applegate seconded. * The motion was approved unanimously. New Space committee had no items for an update. \\ Classes/Workshop committee gave an update. A few individuals from the Mid Michigan Time Bank spoke with the Board. With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00pm