Treasurer's Report - Bank Balance: $15736.94 President Report : Deferred to other agenda items Space Report: New door code Possible changing of the layout Door has a crash bar but does have a mortise latch. Brian will look at motise latches. Al is rekeying for a master key setup. Still water on the floor under the machine shop, Al knows it on his list. Damaged window panes have been replaced. One window in the common area remains to be replaced. Waiting on confirmation from Al that permits have been closed. Jerry and Brian recapped the Makerspace bootcamp @ Makerworks. Brian showed the Trello board and added everyone to it. Laser cutter SOP Brian has put together the initial version of the Laser SOP Ready to teach a class as soon as someone can walk through a test run of the class. Rose suggested that changing the color on the front could be a good way to indicate a revision. LMN Visioning Brian shared the general process for how to vision, what our process will be for drafting an LMN vision. Everyone will /draft/ their personal vision for LMN and share it by Monday, October 26th We'll discuss and share commonalities on each other's vision at the next board work session: Nov 2nd. B&N MMF: Need Flyers and Pamplets Need demos / or things. Dinosaur cut. Need more things to leave there we don't worry about leaving. Makey Makey Day: Robot pumpkin LED makey. This Thursday, 4:30 - 6:30 Carl is working on a Makey Makey banana project.